Monday, November 5, 2012

Life: A drive in a thunderstorm

At times life feels like a drive in a thunderstorm....hmmmm?

Have you ever driven in a thunderstorm...?
...while on the highway...
            the middle of the night...
...out in the middle of Oklahoma, where you are 700 miles from home...
                   ...where the rain is pounding down so hard that you cannot see anything in any direction, and you are not even sure you are still in your lane... 
                                     ...where your hands grip the steering wheel with such pressure that your hands go numb...
                          ...where your eyes try in vain to make sense out the pounding water, water so fierce that you cannot even find your way to the side of the road...
...where you wish like hell your mom would come and rescue you...
                 ...a situation so completely stressful that you begin to crack under the pressure...
     ...and then the pounding rain turns to hail and your blood pressure rises further. Suddenly, you have been catapulted into another dimension by the stress response...

Welcome to this place

May your stay be short 
May your nerves be strong
and May your resilience be enough

My picture of the day:
Duske's first spring in Germany
Oh, I truly, truly love thee!

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