Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I cannot hear you -Lotus


Lotus has never known her name, nor has she ever responded, even remotely, to any verbal command. She looks to our other dog to make decisions and to gain awareness about certain activities. She is a beautiful little thing, and just recently I decided to gather classic signs of hearing difficulties. The point of this entry is to document findings regarding Lotus' hearing.

Hearing difficulties may present in the following ways:
~unaware you have come home
~sound sleeper
~may only wake when touched
~startled when touched from behind
~exaggerated response to physical stimuli
~unusual vocal sounds
~a decline in or void response to own name
~ trouble finding the origin of a sound

Hearing issues may present in other ways too, of course. Lotus exhibits all of the above symptoms.

My picture of the day:
A doll I made out of an old shirt. She is a strange mix between creepy and neat.


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